The PATD standards are available in German and English. The current German version published on the Internet ( is valid. The standards are
downloadable on the site.
PATD standards for certifications from 03/31/2023.
For certifications before March 31, 2023, the old standards 2022 apply, you can find them here.
Standard Update
New gas limit Cave Diver 3 and Mine Diver 2.
(1/4 of bottom gas in team of 2, 1/3 of bottom gas in team of 3)
New description Tech Diver 1 and Tech Diver 2 with depth and gas limit.
(Tech 1 MOD 51m Trimix up to 18/45, Tech 2 MOD 75m Trimix up to 15/55)
New description PSCR Diver 1 and PSCR Diver 2 with depth and gas limit.
(PSCR 1 MOD 60m Trimix up to 18/45, PSCR 2 no depth and gas limit)